Instrumental Works
Vocal works
Hold Fast to Dreams - unaccompanied soprano, poem by Langston Hughes, 2020
performed by Stephanie Lamprea.
Hold Fast to Dreams
Langston Hughes - 1902-1967
Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.
Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.
This piece is part of a collection of short songs for unaccompanied voice, written during the quarantine period of COVID-19. What began as singing one new work for one composer grew very quickly into an ongoing commissioning effort, which is already expanding into multiple volumes. This album is the third volume. Find the full album here: stephanielamprea.bandcamp.com/album/unac…e-volume-3
- from the performer, Stephanie Lamprea
Text by Pablo Neruda:
Piedad para estos siglos y sus sobreviventes
alegres o maltrechos, lo que no hicimos
fue por culpa de nadie, falto acero;
lo gastamos en tanta inutil destruccion,
no importa en el balance nada de esto:
los anos padecieron de pustulas y guerras,
anos desfallecientes cuando temblo la esperanza
en el fondo de las botellas enemigas.
Pity on these centuries and their happy
or battered survivors, what we did not do
was the fault of no one, steel was missing;
we exhausted it on su much destruction,
but none of this matters in the balance;
the years suffered from oozing sores and wars,
years grown weak when hope trembled
at the bottom of the enemy's bottles.
Fire and Ice - Soprano, viola and cello, poem by Robert Frost, 2019
Text by Robert Frost:
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
I Forgive - Alto, clave, cello, text by Paolo Coehlo from The Aleph, 2019
From Paulo Coehlo's 'Prayer of Forgiveess', The Alelph
The tears I shed, I forgive.
The suffering and disappointments, I forgive.
The betrayals and lies, I forgive.
The slandering and scheming, I forgive.
The hatred and persecution, I forgive.
The punches that were given, I forgive.
The shattered dreams, I forgive.
The dead hopes, I forgive.
The disaffection and jealousy, I forgive.
The indifference and ill will, I forgive.
The injustice in the name of justice, I forgive.
The anger and mistreatment, I forgive.
The neglect and oblivion, I forgive.
The world with all its evil, I forgive.